Telerehabilitation Now Available!
To assist our patients during clinic closures, we are pleased to offer telerehabilitation services with our physiotherapists starting March 26, 2020. These video conferencing sessions are available to our existing patients and can include injury consultation, education, check-ins with your physiotherapist, and exercise prescription and supervision. However, not all patients and injuries are appropriate for telerehab, so we suggest communicating directly with your physiotherapist to determine whether you’re a good candidate for this temporary treatment option. Please note, due to the inability to provide appropriate hands-on techniques via telerehab, we are unable to accept new assessments at this time.
For more information, please reach out to us at and we can direct you towards your physiotherapist. In the meantime, some important things to note regarding our telerehab:
What type of care can I receive through telerehab?
-consultation (answer your questions) and check-in
-education and instruction
-monitoring your progress with a treatment program
-supervised exercise
What type of care will not be available through telerehab?
-hands-on treatment (manual therapy, soft tissue release, cupping)
-IMS dry needling or acupuncture
Is anybody else involved in the telerehab session?
-we ask that you have a family member available with you during your appointment, to assist with any emergencies (such as a fall)
What technology do I need to receive telerehab services?
-desktop, laptop, or tablet with camera and microphone (sorry, mobile phones and iPads do not currently work with our system)
-high-speed internet connection or Wi-fi
-FaceTime, Skype, Facebook Messenger, WhatApp Video Call, and Google Hangouts are not considered secure
Is there a fee for telerehab services?
-private 15 mins: $35
-private 30 mins: $65
-WorkSafe BC (up to 30 mins): no charge (direct bill to WSBC)
-ICBC (up to 30 mins): no charge with approval from claim adjuster (direct bill to ICBC)
Is telerehab covered by my extended health benefits?
-receipts will state “physiotherapy services delivered by telerehabilitation”
-it is the patient’s responsibility to ensure telerehab services are covered by their extended health plan
What payment methods are accepted?
-we accept credit cards and etransfer at this time