If you’ve been in a car accident and need physiotherapy, massage therapy, or acupuncture, we can help. ICBC has a program designed so you can access physiotherapy, massage therapy, and acupuncture quickly.
There is often confusion as to how ICBC covers patients for physiotherapy, massage, and acupuncture – especially if you haven’t required treatment from an accident before. Luckily we’ve treated nearly 1,000 ICBC patients over the past 14 years, so not only can we explain the ICBC process to you, we can also effectively treat the injuries you have sustained. In terms of how ICBC’s coverage works, keep these things in mind:
- As of April 1, 2019 ICBC changed the way they handle claims. While some things remained the same, quite a bit changed. ICBC has tried to summarize the changes here on their site.
- You are entitled to benefits whether you are at fault or not
- You do not need a Doctor’s referral (if the accident is recent and you have not had previous treatment)
- For the first 12 weeks after your accident date, ICBC will cover 25 physiotherapy, 12 massage therapy, and 12 acupuncture sessions
- If you require further treatment, your therapist and Doctor will be able to request additional coverage
- ICBC covers the entire cost of your physiotherapy treatments (which means no upfront cost to you!)
- ICBC covers the majority of each massage therapy treatment, which can be 45 or 60 minutes long
- ICBC covers the entire cost of each acupuncture treatment
To get started give us a call. We’ll just need your claim number, accident date, and care card number. If you have lawyer representing you, we can liaise with them if requested.
For more information, visit the ICBC website.